Don’t Have a Clue on How to Track Your Period?

Targeting women’s health is often seen as focusing too greatly on a niche market but recent research shows that women have higher purchasing power and are increasingly playing a prominent role in the healthcare industry. The latest focus of “Femtech” (software, diagnostics and services leveraged towards improving women’s health) is period-tracking. The goal of these tracking apps is to provide women more control of their health, decrease time on diagnosis and treatment of health issues as well as improving access to care in remote areas. If you have a device you can track, learn and treat no matter where you are.

The term “Femtech” was coined by Ida Tin the CEO of Clue, a widely used and praised tracking app. With a rating of 4.8/5 stars from 2million+ reviews Clue prides itself on being based on the most up-to-date science and collaborating with both scientists and universities to continue to improve the app. Tin wanted to create an innovative and modern form of family planning and the app does just that. It doesn’t just predict your next cycle but also your fertility window and can even warn you prior to PMS kicking in. You can also track symptoms ranging from energy levels, how much you exercised, if your skin is dry and sleep patterns. Logging your cycles  and symptoms helps the app learn more about you and in turn becomes a more personalized aid.

Part of the app’s success is attributed to its educational functions and inclusivity as it provides information specific to the LGBTQ+ community along with a full encyclopedia available to anyone on both the app and their website. The information is completely based in science and carries with it an objective tone on topics of abortion, fertility and mental health. Founded by and created for women the app is an example of technology and healthcare blending together to better lives. To download the app, get more information on your period or learn more about the people behind it all, please visit

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