It’s 10 PM. Do you know where your medical files are?

Even the most meticulous and well organized individuals have faced waiting months or even years to receive medical records. There are countless stories of peoples’ inability to get their medical information. Some unable to find necessary documentation to take care of relatives, some injured and or needing medical aid away from home and some simply wanting their personal health information.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 states individuals have the right to see their medical records and receive copies upon request; however, when hospitals disregard federal laws by charging hundreds of dollars for copies and stating that the release of such records would take at least 30 days people feel trapped. A study of 83 top hospitals in the U.S. done at Yale University found that most medical records departments were extremely delayed in both responses and sending records while some were completely unreachable.  What further exacerbates this issue is that despite living in an age of constantly advancing and innovative technology hospitals are trapped in the time of paper and traditional mail. Many hospitals refuse or are unable to share information with patients digitally; in any case even if individuals were able to get their records via email or portal there is no predetermined way to sort, store or share this information with other hospitals or out of network services.

This is personal data needed to help people understand and manage their medical needs. The discrepancies between hospitals’ abilities and methods to release records often leave patients with days of waiting, a bill, and no health information. People need a modern day solution to this problem that not only speeds up the process of getting your records but helps organize them so that they can be accessed anywhere at any time.

Let Neo be your health hero!


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